Saturday, October 28, 2006


Well, photo's are looking like a problem right now, and I'm really getting frustrated with all of these crappy keyboards that I come across all over this country. None of them just work nicely, they all have a horrible backspace, and keys that stick. Anyways...I don't really know what to talk about. Last night I loaded like, or maybe the night before, 170 photo's onto my I-Pod so that I could load them onto a computer and send them to my album, but I can't use a PC it seems. Even if they have I-Tunes all these PCs want me to erase my I-Pod before I can use it.
Other than that, things are going great! I go swimming whenever I want to pretty much, and then relax a bit, and have classes during the day most of the time. This weeks speaker was pretty good. Yesterday we all prayed over/for each other, and he prophesied over us, and mine was pretty darn accurate I think. It should be an exciting year.
My roomates are alright, but really really hyper all the time, and don't have much respect for others yet (namely me), but they will start to calm down and be more aware of me sooner or later I'm sure. I get along pretty well with Helge, the guy I was emailing back and forth before I ever got here, and a couple of the girls, and especially the older staff, as they are very easy to respect and look up to.
We went on a hike up a mountain (which I have lots of pictures of), and there was a castle at the very top, or like a fortress, from the Crusades.
It's some kind of national holiday today and there is an army parade marching around outside the cafe.
Anyways, I am really just upset that I can't get these stupid computers to work for me. I have all these photo's, but I need a mac to put them on. I'll "blog" again when I have photo's. Sorry, faithful readers. I'm outta here.


At October 28, 2006 at 6:33 AM, Blogger John and Andrea said...


Sounds like you are having a great time. We are too in the other hemisphere :) Grow lots and really enjoy your time ok?

John & Andrea

At October 28, 2006 at 3:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like your having an okay time thus far. I should get one of these things and update people on my awesome fun happenings. Like making short films ... What do you think?

At October 28, 2006 at 4:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I told you! You should have bought a cord to go from the camera to the computer. Didn't your camera come with one? If they don't have any in Cyprus I'll mail you one. It can be your Christmas present or something.

It was nice to hear what's going on these days in your life! Keep us updated for sure! Please don't wait until you can get photos go update again. Trust me, we'd all rather hear from you constantly and see all your photos when you get back than never hear from you until you're almost back or something.

Have an amazing day. Send me an email sometime...if you can.



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