Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Pedals and petals...

Well, today was a pretty good day. I got to sleep in, watched some Stargate SG-1, and then I took my (pedal) bike into town to get it fixed before the summer, which could cost up to 450 dollars, I surprisingly found out. Four hundred fifty, American! No just kidding. It would only be worthless Canadian dollars. Here in Canada, we use Canadian currency as toilet paper, it's just so worthless in comparison to our southern, more important neighbours.

Best part of the day, I would have to say, would be when I picked up a hitchhiker on the way into town. That's right. I'll tell you all about it!

So I'm just leaving where I live, to go to another town nearby, and there's this hitchhiker (dressed all in black and leather and stuff, on a day that must have been 23 Celsius), going my way. I passed him of course, mouthing the words "I'm sorry" to him, but really only to myself cause he couldn't have seen it. Anyways, I pass him, and instantly I thought, "wait a minute, what a perfect opportunity! If he's friendly, I'll get to do a good deed, and if he wants to steal my car from me, I'll have a chance to get some V for Vengeance!" So I hesitantly pull into the next road, pull a U-ee (?) and start going back towards him. I then pull over on my side of the road, honk my horn, and point backwards (as I am now facing the wrong way) and signal him to come over. Of course he was somewhat confused, probably not because he recognized me as someone who just passed him, but probably because I was going the wrong way. So he finally figured it out, and we were on our way!

At first it was all, "thanks" and "that was the fastest I ever got picked up," but then we got into talking about the whole hitch hiking thing, as I was fairly new to it at the time, while now I am a seasoned pro at picking them up! Whenever I was thinking about hitchhikers in my long experience-full life, I had two types pictured in my mind. One was the person who is basically expecting anyone with an open seat to pick them up, and gets all upset when they don't, and is totally depending on getting picked up, or else they will get fired from their job or something. The other type of person, like the one I got to pick up, has left their home well ahead of time to be prepared to walk the entire way and still make it in time for their job or appointment, and don't look all sad or mad when their thumb is sticking out and no one stops for them. So like I said, he was the good one, but he did kind of look like a Matrix fanatic with all of his leather and black happening. Obviously a cool guy that was way to high above me for me to appreciate his radiating coolness.

I took him as far as he wanted (I was prepared to pull up to a door for him, but he had a specific spot that was convenient for both of us), and he thanked me, and I welcomed him to ask again.

The moral of the story is, that this time, I saw my opportunity, and no matter how stupid I felt for turning around for a hitch hiker, or how many risks or dangers were involved, I saw a chance to help someone who needed it, and that's how I treated it. A chance to help someone, not a risk at all. The best part was at the end when he got out of the car, and a single petal from a tree (those weird trees with flowers on them) fell through my open window and onto my shoulder. It was just so cool and in-the-moment, like God was giving me a gift for what I had done, just a little moment of reflection and a beautiful flower petal.

I don't know if I've said it already in one of these giant writings of mine, but I'm starting to find out that God really answers prayers. Like, I have been praying for Him to open my eyes to the opportunities He brings me, and I was also praying a lot for something else kind of personal, which He quickly answered exactly as I had hoped. So, now I know that He will answer my other prayers too, right when He needs to.


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