Thursday, May 04, 2006


I have a cold now. It's official. I wake up, and I can hardly move, I go to bed, and I can't breathe through my nose. I am the kind of person who does not get sick often. I can't even remember the last time I had a runny nose that lasted more than a few minutes. I guess that's not something most people would remember, but, you get the point. Last time I threw up was almost two years ago, and before that it was another couple years, and I think that before that it was like four or five years. Some would say that's amazing, while I say, I don't really know if anyone would say that's amazing. That reminds me of something.

When I was like, I guess six or seven (all those years are run together in my mind), my mother whom I love took me to Calgary for some reason, and while we were there, we went to this fair with rides and things. I'm pretty sure it wasn't the Stampede, but it was pretty cool and big. Anyways, while we were there, she let me go off on my own and ride the rides myself and stuff (maybe I was older, or maybe it was cause back in the nifty-nineties, it was safe to leave your kids unsupervised (just kidding. I don't really think that)). So, here I am, trying out rides and things by myself, or maybe she was always just a few feet away from me where I didn't notice, so that I think I was alone when I really wasn't. Anyways, while I am riding rides and seeing sites, I meet this kid. A boy, pretty much the same age as me, and we totally hit it off for some reason. We started riding rides together and talking about stuff that was cool and where we had gone already and what we should do next. We were basically inseperable, if that is spelled correctly, which I don't think it is. So, by the way, the reason I'm reminded of this memory is because one of the attractions was a giant maze that people had to walk through, and we did it successfully (successfully meaning we cheated and went under the walls (you could go under them in case you got lost and started panicking)). At the end of the maze, which was right by the entrance, a man gave you a fridge magnet that said, "A-Maze-ing!" which is amusing for obvious reasons. If you go back up this entry, you will notice that I said amazing right before I started this story, so, talk about a segue!

Anyways, I have remembered that experience ever now and then throughout my life, and each time I wonder how that boy is doing, since I don't remember his name, and probably never knew his last name. I wonder if he is a Christian, and if he is living a decent life, and even if he ever remembers me in the same way as I remember him, a stranger I had fun with one day and then never saw again. It's cool to think about, and it gives me hope in my new friendships. At least at one point in my life, I was capable of making really good friends in less than a day! So now that I am taking more time than that to make friends, they should be just as successful, right? Anyways, I'm gonna have to pray for him tonight, and I have to get up super early tomorrow, and this cold is not going to make that easy.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.


At May 5, 2006 at 4:27 PM, Blogger michelle said...

hi barry,
want to read another blog? check this one out...

peace out homeboy.


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