Tuesday, May 02, 2006

A plea for sanity (in the end)...

So tonight was gym night, and I played floor hockey, and some basketball, and also some pass w/a football. Let me just say, that I did not know I still had that kind of energy. It was like an hour and a half of non-stop activity. I feel somewhat proud, and also somewhat thankful. The latter is probably the better feeling to have. I can already tell that tomorrow at work, I will be sore beyond all comprehension.

Continuing with the friends issue, some progress was made tonight. People have stuck with it in trying to get to know me better, and I am doing the same. So maybe there is some hope in these new friends I have made. Only time will tell.

Some nights, (like the ones that I didn't write anything) I don't feel like writing anything. Mostly because of how small the number of people who are reading this blog seems to be. I guess I have to give it time, and maybe put more exciting things on here. Or maybe if I type with abbreviations 4 evrthng, N-sted of da hole wrd. Everyone likes that right? Wrong. Or maybe if I stop capitalizing my sentences and proper nouns. then people like brad pitt and angelina jolie will read my blog in africa or los angeles. HOW ABOUT WRITING WITH EVERYTHING CAPITA...ok I'm done.

I guess I need to ask for more comments if I want to receive more. So, send me more comments, those of you who are readers. The ones I have received so far are nice, but aren't giving me too many helpful ideas. The other guy in a recent picture is currently married and happily so. Just in case someone was wondering about that. In fact, let us pretend that everyone you see in these photos other than me, are married to someone, so that there is no confusion or distraction from the topics at hand. I merely put photos on because they remind me of better times, and sometimes they are relevant to the topic. And sometimes they make me look stupid, which I am completely aware of. Like the picture I am going to use for this entry. Two words can describe it accurately. Gross, and sweaty. I don't always look like that, I promise.

Trying to move on is quite difficult tonight for some reason. Hey, if someone has read every one of these entries, let me know, ok? That would be something cool to encourage me.

Today I went to the dentist, and then an hour and a half later, the optometrist. No cavities. In-between the two appointments, I could not eat anything (as it was lunch time and my teeth were freshly cleansed), and I did not have enough money to do anything else. So I sat in my car listening to some tunes, trying to figure out if I should wait it out in the lobby of the eye center, or in my car. I decided to drive to the optometrist's while I was deciding. While sitting there and watching the people around me, the thought of traveling around looking for people to help with random acts of kindness tunneled its way into my mind. This thought still seems silly to me though. I had about a half hour of time to kill before I wanted to check in at the front desk of the eyeglass dealership, and I had very very little money to spare, and no idea where to go or what to look for. Now, you are all probably hoping that this story ends with an exciting twist of events showing how something great came out of this whole situation. But I'm afraid it is not to be. I went in early, sat down, and watched a television screen scroll through facts about Glaucoma, Floaters (many of which I am in possession of)(ha-ha, sounds funny but it's not), and Dry Eye.

I honestly feel that, today, if an opportunity for me to help someone in any way was clearly presented to me on my travels, I would have done so. But the fact is, I saw an old man riding a cheap bicycle, and that's it. I figure the only way I could have helped him was to buy him a new bike or give him mine. But since I did not at all have enough funds available for such a purchase, or my very own bicycle with me (not to mention the fact that I would rather not part with it), I could not help him in any way that I could tell.

One of these days I will just have to set a whole 24 hours, or maybe, morning until night, aside for a meandering through downtown British Columbia, to see what chances God gives me to improve my character, and of course, help someone or someones. I personally believe that every day should be like that for everyone, just instead of having that as your focus, to help people, it should just happen naturally, because of your focus on God, and that with Him guiding you, His love will spill out of you to other people naturally. Right? Can I get two or one Amens? Thank you!

By the way, if you don't believe in God (which in itself is a very vague, general, and ridiculously over used variation of a good question), you should definitely think about figuring it out for yourself instead of just accepting what the world says about it. I mean, it's worth a shot, isn't it? If you don't believe in anything, then you believe that you will die and nothing will happen after that. But if you believe what I believe to be true, then you believe that you either die and go to the most unimaginably, and excruciatingly horrible place in existence, or you die and go to the most unimaginably, and unbelievably beautiful place in existence.

If you can at least admit that one of those two beliefs must be right, "heaven or hell" or "nothing at all", which I think most people when they take the time to think, would admit to, you have to also admit that the safe bet would be believing in the heaven or hell scenario, because if it's all a lie, then you have nothing to worry about, cause you're just going to die and that's it. But if Christianity ends up being the for real deal, then you'll be ready for the end when it comes.

All I really want is people to think about life and death, cause I've been noticing far too much that the biggest problem with our North American society right now, is just not thinking about anything important. Ever.


At May 2, 2006 at 7:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bryce and I are reading all of your posts. Since we can't be in the same province as you, we are keeping up to date with your life through your blog.
And PS. We miss you and love you lots.


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