Sunday, April 23, 2006

Sunny days ahead...

Well, last night I drove my girlfriend to the ferry, so that she could visit her home church and her mother for a few days before she started working here in the summer. She had just said many goodbyes to many dear friends and many tears were shed, the details of the day are many and unnecessary. The forty five minute ride was quiet, but filled with understanding, and at least for me, more was said in that ride through the silence, than in the many weeks prior.

Neither of us really know what is going to happen in the future for us, but this last night, on the way back, after she had left, I finally figured out that it doesn't matter what I think, but it's only God's Will that will allow us to be together. So if marriage is in the future, I'll thank God for it, but if it isn't, I'll ask Him why, and maybe even question him in anger, but in the end I will understand that He loves me, and that he knows what is best for me, and so I will just have to sit and wait for my future girl to come walking into the picture.

I personally think faith is crazy hard to acquire, and to even understand. To be able to not understand so much, so very much, and just accept the fact that He is in control of all of it, is something I can only hope and pray for in my life. I figure I have just enough faith to get me through every day, which is all I really need, and He'll only give me more and more as time goes by. Like my dear old mother always says, "What's worst that could happen? We die and go to Heaven!"

Hopefully I can trust Him for the rest of my life like I did last night.


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