Monday, April 24, 2006

What do I wish...

First of all, today, April 24th, it was at least 24 degrees celsius at the warmest time of the day! Now, for British Columbia, or even anywhere in Canada for that matter, this was a warm day! I am very excited to see how the week progresses, temperature wise.

Just now, I recieved an email from someone who had the same email address as me, only with a 1 at the end of it. The content was merely the two words, "u wish," and of course I am aware of the fact that "u" is not a word. I can only assume it was some sort of slangish grammar used to replace the word "you." Anyways, I find this extremely interesting, as my email address is not very desireable, being only parts of my first and last name. So for this person to have my email address + 1, and be jealous of the fact that I got the address before he did, makes little sense to me, when it's not even a cool address. I have been pondering the possibility of maybe there is some kind of double entendre involved in the whole thing, but I have mad "Mad Gab" skills, and no half decent dirty words can be surmised from my email address. From what I can tell at least.

All in all, it was a confidence booster on my end. Someone out there in the world, wanted my address, and had to settle for almost the same address, but with a "1" on the end. I almost feel like telling him I will give it to him if he really wants it, but that would be far too complicated in the sense of letting people know about my change of address. I am also assuming it is a he for some reason. I guess if it was a girl, they would have said, "u wish ;)" or something nicer. Unless it was a mean girl.

Well, I actually replied to them, despite my reluctance, and perhaps we will become friends, and he will understand that I truly feel slightly bad for him and his situation. Or maybe he will think I am a loser, like most people would, and not be willing to open up on such a simple level to a complete stranger who has the email address he so sorely desires and envies.

I am off to find out more about my new friend/enemy. Wish me luck!


At April 24, 2006 at 11:37 PM, Blogger Troy said...

October Sky (?)


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