Sunday, January 21, 2007

Powdered milk...

So, the YWAM leader here just got wireless broadband, so now, provided no one is already using this laptop, which is like never, I can have somewhat fast internet whenever I want! S'right! Anyways, I still don't really know what to say. Lately I've been kind of moody, so most of my stories and interesting things will be negative, but I can still try.
We went to an orphanage (?) and hunged out with a bunch of kids for three days in a row, and now we all wish we were still there. One of them reminded me a lot of my best friend growing up, Lawrence. He was so cool this one. He had bad legs, and limped around, but he played football (soccer) anyways, and was always well behaved and listened during the sharing times. He even understood a little english and was always trying to help the others and translate what he could for us Westerners. I have a photo of him now, and I will be praying for him for a long time. Hopefully the rest of my life, and then I'll meet him again some day in heaven. There's so much hope in existence when you're a Christian. It's refreshing. I highly recommend it if you aren't one already.
I played a few worship songs for a college age group in Beirut, but of course it was after a really good guitarist played a bunch of really good Arab songs, so, I felt pretty dumb going up there with my cracking post-sickness voice and my three chorded songs. It was still fun though.
I'm getting pretty good at guitar and worship now though, and all I need to do is figure out how to use one of those pick things, and to sing spontaneously is another goal I am starting to set. It would be great to just open up to a psalm and sing it out with some nice chord progression, or even just to sing out words and phrases. I think my very last phase of guitar learning will be the actual writing of songs. I've tried a few times already, but I'm such a perfectionist during the process, that I can't tell if it's any good or not, because I automatically think it's a horrible song. And then, since I think it's horrible, I have no courage to play it for someone else and ask them what they think. It's a vicious cycle.
I say I've been moody lately because I'm having a lot of problems with all these girls and their moods and senses of humor and such. Three of them are practically best friends, and all know the same people from back home, so they are all talking about "Jane" and "Greg" and the rest of us have to just sit there and pretend that we care. I had a talk with the fourth girl though, and she actually has been feeling the same way I have in all of this relationship stuff, so we encouraged each other a lot in that talk, and promised that we would work hard at encouraging the group to get more unity and less exclusive such and such etcetera etcetera.
I'm getting really excited to come back home and move back to Alberta, but I'm promising myself that I will focus on being excited for this outreach more, and to really get out of my comfort zone for the next month, which I haven't really been doing.
The next place we are off to is "Disney Land", and we will be doing the midnight to 6am worship and intercession shift at the House of Prayer there, so I'm uber excited, and really, well, excited. The idea of doing worship all night in the middle of the place that the Bible is basically written around just pumps me up like a good warm up song before a playoff basketball game, no, thee final of a playoff tournament.
Anyways, I will have to wait for something more to happen so I can tell you all all about it. Till then!


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