Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Going away...

Well, it is the second of January, and I am off in a few hours to Lebanon. I don't know how much internet there will be, but I'm asuming not much, so I will try to make my blog entries long instead of often.
Christmas was great! We ate, and ate some more, then some more. Probably similar to the amount of eating I would have done at home were I there for December, only the great thing is, that at home I eat lots all the time, but here I learned to appreciate more the value of a feast. I even called my parents for the first time, which was great, because I miss them so. All the plans we are making for my return are very exciting, and I can't wait, except for the fact that I have so much more to do while I'm here.
Apparently, if that's how you spell it, within the first week I will be pretty much in charge of a group of kids from the ages of 4 to 14, 20 or so of them, for who knows how long. If anyone has any games that they know for that age group, I would love to hear it. I only know like, Shh-dong-dong and the big knot game. Oh, and the Boston riot is pretty fun, but I'm not sure about appropriate.
The goodbyes are starting to become more permanent every time I say it, although chances are I will see these people upon my return. I already miss the youth group kids so much, and just this weekend, for the new year, we had Ashkan over, and an American who visited for like a week and a half named Jeff is still here. They have really encouraged me a lot, and it's great to finally have some different young people around to talk to. Jeff likes math, which I also enjoy, so that was great, and Ashkan is really similar in a lot of ways to me. All in all, I'm happy with the way this year ended. I also went for a quick dip in the ocean at like 1:00am on the first, it was freezing, but great.

Anyways, I guess for my last blog for maybe a while, I will just say that I miss everyone, especially you, dear reader! Thanks for being so faithful, if you have been, and if you haven't, thanks for checking it out every once in a while. There are some photos down lower if you would like to see. So, I'll talk to you all in a bit. Happy New Year!


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