Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Burning Tires...

Well, Apocolypto was gross, gruesome, and grieving, and I wish I didn't watch it now. I thought for most of the film that it would redeem itself with an amazing ending to the somewhat 'bleh' plot, but I was wrong. Mel Gibson should do a few more Lethal Weapons before he directs/produces/writes, or whatever it is he did for this one, any more movies.

So, ever since I visited Lefkara in Cyprus, a four hundred year old town with just as old buildings squished a few feet apart of each other, I have been looking for another place to try some extreme running. While we were there, I was burdened with the desire, but we were in a hurry, and no one else was very interested in jumping up and over walls and across rooftops. Now, in Lebanon, there are many half-constructed buildings, but they are hardly a few feet away from each other, and I'm sure many people here would be confused and/or upset over my running, jumping, and falling all up ons myself.

Today, however, a friend of mine and I, attempted to try some moves in some of the under construction buildings-here, three out of four buildings is under construction, and no one is constructing them any further-but we found that neither of us were very good, and ended up just looking around town, since we never really had a chance to walk around other than this one. I ended up jumping across some gap, and down through a hole, but I have yet to attempt the "Tuck and Roll" move that the professionals use when they jump off of tall to taller structure, as to not break their knees, ankles, or any other necessary body part upon impact. Someday I will be back in Lefkara, Cyprus, and I will be bouncing off those walls with no shirt on and my cheese-grater sweaty abs shining in all their glory. But until then, I'll just float along.

By the way, if anyone wants to sponsor me a thousand or two Canadian, I would love to get a laptop, so that I can keep many photos, and send emails with ease. I'm beginning to see that if traveling is going to be a part of life, especially my life, then I will probably like to have this tool, which is, although not necessary, very convenient, if that is indeed how one spells convenient.


At December 18, 2009 at 9:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

...please where can I buy a unicorn?


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