Asking Jeeves...

Barry: So how's it going, Jeeves?
Jeeves: Ok I get it so how do I get started.
Barry: Um, we already have. Obviously, you don't get it. How are the wife and kids?
Jeeves: Small dead animals.
Barry: That sounds rough. I'm almost afraid to ask how work is going, but I will anyway. How's work going?
Jeeves: Cold season.
Barry: Say no more. So, what's it like answering questions for a living? Do you feel like a kind of, modern Buddah?
Jeeves: I'm like, "So what I'm drunk."
Barry: Now we're talking! I was wondering how you put up with such stupid questions 24/7. Getting down to business, what is your stance on global warming?
Jeeves: Great, now we're a "threat" again.
Barry: Are you saying that you have some kind of relations with the greenhouse effect, and the dismantling of the O-zone layer?
*Jeeves: (No response)
Barry: Alright, I guess we'll just move on here. How do you feel about Mel Gibson since his last escapade?
Jeeves: The paddy wagon.
Barry: Actually, I think he just rode in the back of a squad car. I'm not asking about the incident, Jeeves, I want to know what you think of him now that he's clearly a mere mortal again!
Jeeves: Sitting pretty.
Barry: You're probably right, he'll buck his way out of this dark spotlight in no time. What would you say is your favorite movie right now?
Jeeves: We're playing right into his hands. Does anybody get that?
Barry: I assure you, nobody is trying to entrap you in anyway. How about music?
Jeeves: A Aaron ab aback abaft abano abased abash abate abated abb abbate...
Barry: I'm gonna have to ask you to put the dictionary away for the remainder of this interview. Now, I'll try again really simply. What is your favorite band?
Jeeves: The gulf between us.
Barry: Strange, I've never heard of that group. Are they emo, or indie? It sounds like they would be one of the two.
Jeeves: Music reviews for you primitive screwheads.
Barry: Now Jeeves, there is no need to resort to name calling! If you won't tell me, then I guess I will check some online reviews of the band.
Jeeves: It's my life...Don't you forget!
Barry: Fair enough. Which national party do you support these days? Conservatives? Liberals?
Jeeves: Eject! Eject! Eject!
Barry: Please, calm down, sir. I assure you that you are sitting in an average office style chair. I guess that question was a bit personal.
Jeeves: February 8, 1995.
Barry: Really? What was the significance of that date?
Jeeves: The Enoch Edwards commemorative miners' association check.
Barry: Interesting segué. You do realize, Mr. Jeeves, that in this kind of interview, the interviewee usually talks a bit longer than you have been. Why Enoch Edwards?
Jeeves: (No response)
Barry: Sigh. Alright. What do you want to talk about?
Jeeves: Words are starting to get old but I still want to talk.
Barry: Indeed. Who do you favor in this season of the NFL? Perhaps you have a superbowl winner already picked?
Jeeves: Bucs 48, Raiders 21
Barry: Wow! Lets all hope you're right. We're just about out of time now, do you have any closing remarks? Perhaps advice for those other search engines out there?
**Jeeves: We're not just right, we're really right.
Barry: Excellent! Well, thank you for coming in, I hope we can see you again soon.
Jeeves: Our favorite part of the play.
Barry: ...Alright. Thanks again. Bye bye now.
Jeeves: Yes, I smoke! Yes, I am going to die!! Bye now!!!
*No results found
**First result!
Just like that, he was beamed back aboard the space ship he arrived on. Crazy nut. I wasn't finished there, however, as later that afternoon, I had an all exclusive interview with an even more infamous search engine, Google. However, for the entire questioning, he simply repeated everything I said, so it wasn't worth publishing. Tah tah!